Tattoo Charity Recap
Tuesday December 14, 2010
Another year has come and gone, another "Tattoo for Charity" day is in the MD Tattoo Studio history books. We set out to beat last year's goal and we succeeded! We all got to work at 8:30am expecting to have a little downtime before opening the doors and there was already a line forming outside. Being as it was growing fairly quickly, we opened up shop at 9:30 and worked straight through the day. 12 hours later we had tattooed over 40 people between the 6 of us, raising over $2500 for the Salvation Army's Christmas Charity! People had driven from hours away to participate and the wait time quickly grew from 1/2 hour to over 5 hours long. A HUGE thank you everyone who came down and participated. We appreciate your patience, your donations and your company. The Christmas spirit of giving was definitely in the air, and even though we were starved and delirious at the end of the night, there was a humility we all felt, knowing we helped so many families that weren't as fortunate as we have been this year. Happy Holidays from all of us to all of you!